2025 Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church Pledge

Thank you for your commitment to the ministry of Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church. Please fill out this form to make a 2025 Stewardship Pledge to Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, then click submit.
About You (Name Required; Email for Confirmation)

About Your Pledge for 2025 (Required)

* Select "Annually" for a total amount pledged for the year (eg. $1040)

* Select "Monthly" or "Weekly" for a pledge for each month/week and enter the amount per period (e.g. $20/week or $75/month)

* After your pledge is submitted, you will see a "Thank You" screen that includes a link where you can set up automatic payments for your pledge. (The link for setting up autmatic payments--one time, weekly, monthly is: https://sunnyvalepresbyterianchurch.breezechms.com/give/online.)
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
To Keep Our Records Updated (Optional)

Please select one option.
Thank you for your pledge!


Thank you for your commitment to the ministry of Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church. Please fill out this form to make a 2025 Stewardship Pledge to Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, then click submit.