2025 CARAVAN Chili Cook-off Submission Form

How to win: Attendees will be asked to vote for your chili. At 1:45 p.m. voting will close, tickets will be counted, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be announced.

What we need from you:
- Provide 5-6 quarts of your unique chili, ready to be served at 11:15 am on 5/5
Come up with a fun name for your chili and/or team and know what allergy/preference ingredients your chili does or does not have (due Monday 4/21)

- Bring an extension cord and power strip

- Bring your chili and plug it in between 9-10AM before the service, or at 11am, right after the service. Students will be ready to help you carry your chili and find your place.

- Stay for the duration of the event to serve and find out who wins! If for any reason you are not able to serve your chili or need help with serving your chili: Please let us know and we can provide servers and/or helpers for you!

What we will provide:
- A table
- Dixie cups and spoons
- Signs that will have your fun name and to what allergies your chili caters
- A box to take voting tickets and voting tickets throughout the event
- Students who will be available throughout the entire event to help you with whatever you need

Questions: youth@sunnyvalepres.com
Please select all that apply.


How to win: Attendees will be asked to vote for your chili. At 1:45 p.m. voting will close, tickets will be counted, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be announced.

What we need from you:
- Provide 5-6 quarts of your unique chili, ready to be served at 11:15 am on 5/5
Come up with a fun name for your chili and/or team and know what allergy/preference ingredients your chili does or does not have (due Monday 4/21)

- Bring an extension cord and power strip

- Bring your chili and plug it in between 9-10AM before the service, or at 11am, right after the service. Students will be ready to help you carry your chili and find your place.

- Stay for the duration of the event to serve and find out who wins! If for any reason you are not able to serve your chili or need help with serving your chili: Please let us know and we can provide servers and/or helpers for you!

What we will provide:
- A table
- Dixie cups and spoons
- Signs that will have your fun name and to what allergies your chili caters
- A box to take voting tickets and voting tickets throughout the event
- Students who will be available throughout the entire event to help you with whatever you need

Questions: youth@sunnyvalepres.com