Adult Volunteer Evaluation Form

Please fill out this form based on your experience volunteering for the last program year. If you have any questions about the form, email Thank you for your service to the church!
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Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
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Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Adult Volunteer Expectations

● Strive to live a life that reduces harm to others, seeks the liberation of God’s people, and mirrors radical grace and radical hospitality to the young people you encounter in this position

● Attend a part of SVPC community regularly for 6 months prior to working in the youth programming 

● Agree to attend AT LEAST five adult volunteer trainings

● Agree to serve for the length of a school year

● Agree to communicate clearly with SVPC youth staff when events change in your schedule, when life interferes in your ability to serve, or when the load seems to heavy rather than “trying to do it all”

● Maintain Safe Church compliance throughout your time in the youth programming:

Our church is faithful to the mission of discipling students in part by keeping them safe. SVPC has a robust program, including an application process, background checks, training, and guidelines for interactions with students. We call this program Safe Church. Advisors commit to both following the Safe Church, and helping to interpret and apply its principles in unforeseen circumstances.
Theological Expectations

We seek to always make God bigger, our theology deeper, and our love for the world wider.

We agree to use expansive language about God.

We agree to see each child in the programming as a child of God.

We agree to model adulthood authentically. We consent to learn in public and be honest about our doubts. We don’t have all of the answers and we know faith is often messy and ambiguous.

Use a restorative (not punitive) justice model when it comes to discipline: we repair where harm has been done and heal together as a community.

We agree to honor difference and mystery in our theology.

We reject all forms of language about people that is ageist, racist, sexist, and othering.


Please fill out this form based on your experience volunteering for the last program year. If you have any questions about the form, email Thank you for your service to the church!